Your Testimonials

GMOVE-SUIT introduction

Watch the GMOVE-SUIT introduction with Paul and testimonials from patients touched by psychomotor disorders

Don't give up !

Beautiful sentences are not enough to heal or fight in daily life. GMOVE-SUIT is not only a piece of equipment: it is also a state of mind combining fighting spirit and courage. Because of your pathology, you will probably have more difficulties, but life doesn’t stop!

We support you in order to make or enable you to reach a more comfortable quality of life.

A multidisciplinary equipment

GMOVE-SUIT accompanies athletes in all their movements and offers several fields of application (active and passive recovery, muscular reinforcement…) thanks to the pressure applied to the lower limbs.

A plus for patients

Numerous advantages have been observed when using GMOVE-SUIT: progression in the return to walking, support for venous return and muscular strengthening.

Patients who have used our device feel more confident, more stable and find it easier to repeat the exercises.

Your opinion is our priority

WINBACK is constantly striving to improve, and is always ready to listen its customers. Testimonials, opinions, suggestions for improvement… Your contribution is essential to the success of GMOVE-SUIT. Do not hesitate to send us your messages.

Picture showing each applications with the gmovesuit

The multidisciplinary tool

Thanks to active compression, the GMOVE-SUIT offers a unique therapy. It allows compression of the lower limbs while maintaining mobility. With adjustable sleeves, a wide

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