Riona Kelly and Keith Mason testimonial

GMOVE-SUIT mindset supports Riona Kelly

GMOVE-SUIT is a state of mind that promotes the message nothing is impossible. In this article, we offer you an interview with an example of perseverance: the couple Riona Kelly & Keith Luke Mason. In this terstimonial they talk about the beneficial effects of GMOVE-SUIT equipment, their state of mind, their opinions, their projects and their message of perseverance.

A daily challenge

If you missed it, the couple Riona Kelly and Keith Luke Mason have touched the world with their social networking videos in 2020. Riona has suffered 2 strokes, her lower limbs paralysed, she wants to prove to the world life doesn’t stop despite the difficulties we encounter. With the help of her husband Keith Luke Mason they show us their intimacy between good and bad times.

The doctors predicted a future in a wheelchair for her, but she decided to fight and not give up on walking one day. Thanks to her husband, Keith, who has an advanced knowledge of anatomy, he is helping Riona in her rehabilitation.

You can find them on Tik tok, Instagram and Facebook.

The GMOVE-SUIT contribution

For the past 6 months the Winback equipment has been added to Riona Kelly’s rehabilitation. GMOVE-SUIT active compression has several applications including helping patients with neurological disorders. The compression of the lower limbs to a certain pressure during physical effort is an asset for people suffering from neurological disorders.

Supporting the venous wall and muscle pumping activation stimulates venous return. The activity of the muscle cells multiplies and the proprioceptive information under the compression effect of the receptors is increased.

You can find more information on articles such as: GMOVE-SUIT and proprioceptive rehabilitation or GMOVE-SUIT, the pneumatic exoskeleton.

Indeed, beautiful sentences are not enough to fight every day we are aware of this. We want to accompany patients with neurological disorders to achieve a more pleasant quality of life.


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